Right after Chemistry final examination..
CC drove us to block A for some schooling procedure
after that we had some photo session together since that time will be our last time being together
especially Ah Buu who is not coming bac to Utar Kampar already.. sad case~ >.<
This is the genius, elaine & the cakap banyak, waye |
Diz dun hav to say much, my beloved Ah buu.. |
the Gurl Gang , foundation in science |
That's the SHIT TRIPLETS .. |
last picture of Ave wif UTAR |
(Me) Posting wif the christmas tree .. |
Tadaa~~ the giant oso wan+na post wif the christmas tree.. muahahaha ^^ |
Guess wad..
once we reached home, we start pack all our notes and also start cleaning our room..
What we did was packing all those papers,arranging books, wipe our tables, mop the floor, brush the toilet and also send our laundry..Phiew~ it was a tiring day for three of us..
And for the whole day we juz had a mild breakfast before we went to campus for the exam. And the two pieces of bread last for the whole day till dinner..
We even had our dinner very late.. Its around 9sumthing den only we walked to new town for our dinner together wif Wai Sum in Heng Long Restaurant.
Sweet sour chicken, Sauce Chicken & "Fu yong Dan " |
*added* Belacan Kangkung & Sour Vege Seafood Soup |
This is a right restaurant for those who loves gathering wif a group of people cause the food is affordable and also have varieties that students can choose.. The most important is the food is kinda delicious and makes us feel like eating home cooking foodie.. yum yum~ Total 4 dishes and a soup and its only cause us RM7.++ per person. (including drinks) cheap izzin't?
Do we look like v're roadside babies~ |
Ah Buu is trying to be EMO |
U noe it's hard to take a EMo picture?? Finally i hav ONE. |
Ah Buu EMO take 2 |
see~~ two ladies keep on gossip-ing |
Tadaa~~ see the leng lui.. ignore my fringe k?? too busy till dun hav sufficient time to trim my hair |
Cheeze ~ |
Phiew wit~ 3 pretty ladies.. (wluek~~ =P) |
see~~ there's a UFO there. ( AH bUU seems kinda fake ne) LOL!! |
Wif our new member , Sum.. |
muacksie ~~ |
the flies gonna fly into our mouth. ~~ zzzzzz |
Finally we had a "nice & complete" picta wif 4 of us ~ |
Okay, we did took some tutorial photos to teach those of u who loves to cam-whoring and of course showing their pretty and long faces .. So feel free to look at our models which will teach u to hide u chubby-chubby face in ur picta ~~ ehh.. that's real and i nvr edit the picta ya.. it's juz some camera tricks.. LOL
model #1 : Ah Buu |
model #2 : Char Bo |
Model #3: Wai Sum |
Lastly, model #4: That's me~~ (p/s; it will looks nicer if i cut my fringe) |
Hmm~~ Okay.. So that's all we did to celebrate our nite being together in Kampar.. The next day, Ah Buu's family members came to bring bac all her stuff bac to her hometown.. NOOO~~ i really hate to say goodbye.. eventhough v're goin KL for the sem break but it will still be different without Ah Bu. OK! i admit it.. i cried on the day Ah Bu goin bac KL.. that kind of feeling is hard to hide.. hmm~ I'm not "Cry Bun".. i'm juz too sentimental.. Me and char bo did some memorable video for her.. V hope those video can accompany her when she's miss us tat time.. V'll always be there for u o, Ah Bu~~
we did the video till dawn plus we had some minor alcohol, so we overslept a lil bit.. luckily v manage to wake up 15 mins earlier before Sum's father came to pick us to the Railway station..
That's the time we start our journey .....
It's a long long story..
imma gonna continue our journey in the next post ya...
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